Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bristol Palin: This Time I'm Not Having Sex Until Marriage

Despite the sunny title of her new Lifetime reality show, Life’s a Tripp, Bristol Palin tells In Touch in the new issue — on newsstands now — that life as a teen mom is anything but a walk in the park.

So hard, in fact, that Bristol, now 21, is determined to walk down the aisle before even contemplating having another child. “Gino and I are going to wait until marriage,” she tells In Touch of her pipeline worker boyfriend, Giacinto “Gino” Paoletti, also 21. “I’m doing what’s best for me. It’s between me and God, and I know it’s right.”

“My sister Willow is 17, and when I was her age, I was eight months pregnant, and I look at her and I think, ‘Holy cow, I was just a baby!’ ” Bristol reflects to In Touch. “I don’t care what your background is — it’s so hard.”

Though Bristol’s quick to point out that she wouldn’t trade her son, Tripp, now 3, for all the wildlife in Wasilla — “I have the cutest kid in the world,” she beams — she’s determined to use her fame to inspire other teens to make different choices. “Since I have this platform, I want to use it for good,” the former Dancing With the Stars finalist tells In Touch. “I want to let girls know that this isn’t ideal, this isn’t fun, this isn’t easy.”

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